Wednesday, January 2, 2008

People That Ticks Me Off... 2

Probably this is one of the people I missed out when I was talking about. Probably being the most harmless yet irritating at the same time. I would call this dumb if the word even fits him but then it would only be a disgrace to those who are dumb not by their own actions but fate itself.

Probably dumb would be a word best combine in a pot of gumbo full of words that would normally have taken a blow at the person who holds them individually. I guess dumb would be the word best describing a person who would probably be unaware of what is up and what is down. But to be someone who knows the meanings of those two simply words and still do mistakes regarding them keeps me in a speechless mode that goes on for the rest of the week.

I just came back from a lousy day I might say. Though in reality nothing bad actually happened. I had a great chat with people I want to chat with. I guess that really make my day. Now I am not someone who believes in superstitious stuffs but I guess the incident today proves me wrong. I was complaining to my friend about how bad the past couple of days were. Especially with a pair of sore legs. The thought of it keeps me out of focus for the whole day each time I took a step and stretch the muscles in my leg. I wouldn't say it excruciating but it does hit the spot in my mind. To add to the leg issue, I realized my upper chest, my right hand and left forehead is covered in blemishes with blister-like pain when rubbed. Most probably due to insect bites. I wouldn't go into that since it's going to be extinct anyways in a couple of months so why bother right?

Well basically that was pretty bad luck for me to have them all at the same time. I told my friend I was having some bad luck this couple of days. I of course was just kidding. But I guess the laughter stops when I took a step out. Planning to take my daily detour to the food area in my workplace, I took the left path instead of the right which leads me back home. Just a couple of steps and I heard it... the weird tapping sound as though small small objects dropping on metal sheets. Indeed what I heard was none other that what I feared most (I don't like bringing umbrella so I don't prefer rain)... yup rain. I mean talk about coincidence. It wasn't heavy at that time so I decided to cut the plan of getting dinner of my to-do list and head back fast before it gets heavier. It did indeed get heavier... while I was halfway back. Honestly I think I am having a shit load of bad luck. I need I guess purify my luck? Or some sort I don't know.

Anyways the post wasn't suppose to be about this yet it still takes up three quarter of the post. Weird stuff happens. Anyhow I was already not in the mood. I went in the elevator and press the button for my floor. After a couple of floors came in this guy with towel, short pants and a used t-shirt.... going up? Let me tell you this... a person carrying a towel, wearing short pants and t-shirt don't go up unless they are soaking wet. Basically you can guess from the look of him, he is going for the pool. But wait there is no pool upstairs. Great... though it didn't bother my trip to my floor (it did actually since my elevator ride had to stop and let him in so I just let that go, no biggie), the thought of how people think that being in the elevator on a pointless ride up and then back down can be of any help to them in shortening they travel time to the pool.

I am sorry but I just don't see the logic of it. How on earth does going up, press the ground floor button (oppsss wrong button) and lower ground button, arriving on the 11th floor (*ding* buttons reset) and again pressing the lower ground button (I am assuming that he didn't make the same mistake again) be any faster than wait for the elevator on his floor like every other people and just pressing the lower ground button once.

I am not trying to be whinny or anything but it just makes me speechless. I have only the right to assume that:
  1. He don't know which button is up and which button is down
  2. He don't know what is up and what is down
  3. He thinks the pool is upstairs and only realizing it when it reached my floor
  4. He REALLY thinks the pool is upstairs
  5. He would probably have had quantum physics major and somehow calculated that going up and down again is faster than going down only.
  6. He watched too much Narnia-like stories and thinks that the upper floor has a magical portal to a breath-taking swimming pool in another world.
  7. He is just another typical dumbass who just can't wait for elevators and pressed both up and down button cause he think he owns the elevator and God I also think he might think that he owns my couple of seconds that he wasted just to let him in the elevator for a joyride.

You decide I guess which person is he. I know which one I am picking.

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