Sunday, October 7, 2007

Cut Off...

Sigh... it might not sound good to you, but it sounded good to me. I don't know how to explain and I don't intend to crack my head over it. Somehow today I felt fed up. Finally I felt fed up and it felt good.

Personally I shouldn't even be caring about this anymore. Time after time I said I wanted to stop caring about nonsense like this. But hey.. it always gives me a jab or two once in a while and makes me feel even further from everyone. Right now I feel like half way around the world from everyone. Heck if I place everyone half way around the world it wouldn't make much of a difference.

I hate it when I tell people things they would reply "then engage with society". I don't know why everyone have the same impression that I don't want to mix around. Hello people, it doesn't work like that. I don't even know why am I explaining. All and all it might have made better sense to say "then let society engage me".

I am off for the rest of the week, month, I don't know. Not going to be around. I don't care anymore. One last thing "I think your life is much better than mine". I hate this place. I hate everyone. Sometimes I just felt so jealous of all of you it really did make me sick.
F**k this place.

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