OK back to the main topic my shopping list ... and the reason why I want it.
- Phone (SE W580) - My phone have been getting crankier each day. The keypads are getting hard to press, the software is lagging and recently I am having problem with the charger. Definitely will buy it as soon as possible. Already gotten a great deal from a friend. Although there were some people saying that I don't need the phone cause I don't call them *ahem*
- Ikea Table Top - Planning to replace the table top that I got along with the legs from some friends. The original table top is already sunk in the middle to the extent that it might be mistaken by me as an old aunty with a bad back. Definitely a good investment for MY room. Will put it near my bed and use it for writing, drawing and placing my meals.
- Dustbin - Nothing to talk about. I need one. Been putting an empty plastic back on the floor and filling it with junk from evening till the next morning and taking it out when I am going out for work. Though I still can do without the bin.
- A tablet - OK, this is not a needed item but more of something I wanted for a very long time. Something to help with be more serious about my hobbies with arts and stuff. Definitely can do without.
- Inking / Felt Pen with a bottle of ink - Something I have always wanted to try. Been using a lot of pens but non could provide me the variation of line thickness and I kinda like how the line starts and ends. Kinda goes from thin to thick and then back to thin. Know what I mean? Feels more natural that way.
- All-in-One Printer - I need a printer since I left the old one in the old house. And since I am buying one I might want to buy a multi-purpose type where I can scan stuff into my PC.
- Ironing board - I just recently bought an iron but have been ironing on a piece of thick cotton blanket lined with a smooth cloth. Sounds weird? Well my mom used to do that and sits on the floor instead of having to stand. Not something I need badly though. Heck I haven't check whether this house has one or not. I better go and check later.
- Pillow and pillow case - I can say my current pillow has turned to mush and it smells. Though I am kinda used to it, I want a new one soon. Need the extra pillow case for the old pillow. I still want it. Not going to throw that away!
- Extra bedsheets - I have been having the two pairs of bedsheets since I came to study. So it's easily passed 4 or 5 years. Need to replace them badly.
- Socks - What is there to say? I need extra socks for work.
- Backpack - Planning to get a new backpack. A bigger one to be exact. My mom mentioned it before that I should buy one since I have been using it a lot when I go back home. You see for this short period of time I am pretty lazy to actually carry one of those huge luggage bag I have. That's all to it.
- Bowl - Up till now I never own one before. Yes you heard me. It's true. I never had my own bowl here. Hah.
- Fork and Spoon - Lost them. Need a pair.
- Wiping Cloth - Need some for different purposes. Dry wipe, wet wipe, for drying stuff, etc.
- Fluorescent Lamp - For my bathroom. Been showering in the dark for far too long.
- Umbrella - It's the rainy season and I definitely need one. I've always had this believe that it will never rain when I am going somewhere. At most it's going to be cloudy. And one day the sky proved me wrong HAH. Had to use my jacket so that I don't look like I am wearing a polka-dot shirt to work.
is that your Christmas Wish list??
I wish my Christmas wish list was that freaking long and all of them were fulfilled :P LoL
No la... just a list. Got more but not important.
My Christmas wish is always impossible. No one can make it come true...
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