Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Work - Day 4 to 8

OK... so I didn't live up to my own expectation of updating every working day. Today is practically day 8 and I am going to cheat and write for the rest of the 5 days together. It's not like I want to but there really isn't much to write about actually. Plus I admit, I am lazy. Hah.

So the past few days my tasks hasn't been that exciting or challenging yet. For some reason all the projects are currently properly distributed to all the rest and well, lets just say if I didn't do anything for a day, they wouldn't know. Hah. Of course I don't want to risk myself getting fired for challenging myself in such a manner. Basically my daily routines consist of going to work, check-in, read a couple of articles of news online, have breakfast, once I get bored I start asking for jobs, have lunch, continue doing my work, tea time and finally go back home. Sounds kind of boring huh? Well I don't actually have tea, the rest had tea but then again when you see others doing that you won't have the mood to do your work anymore.

My task currently consist of just checking for errors and making sure I fix them if possible. Simple as that. Since I don't have a specific module to work on yet. Life have been pretty boring I guess but somehow I still feel that time passed pretty fast. I guess that's good.

Today is special in a way I guess. I finally got my pay. My first pay! Tomorrow I will be getting my pay slip, so I heard. I guess I am pretty happy. Now all I have to do is wait for my OTHER pay to come in. Yup, pay from my old job. It's not going to be much since I work for like 3 to 4 days only that time. Probably I will be low on cash this month. Thank God I saved. I will be getting full pay next month. Nice.

I think I overspent during the weekend. Not a really smart move by me in a situation where I am not getting full pay yet. On Saturday I went out and spend roughly RM200 or more. Well it's not a normal weekend expenditure so it's OK. I watched a movie which by the way sucked, Beowulf. I am OK with the animation and all, but somehow it felt kind of corny and lame and not exciting (I am sure they tried their best). Somehow I came home feeling regret and thought that I would be better off watching Hitman. Anyways back to the story, besides that I finally saw the game I was looking for on the window of the shop. I grabbed it for RM159 (Ouch). But all I have to say Call of Duty 4 was totally worth it. Believe me, my mouth was stuck opened during the weekend on how great the game felt. But that's another story for a another day. I also ended up buying a clock for RM40.

Funny thing about the clock is it made me realize something. There are tonnes of stuff I wanted to buy recently to make my life a little better here all alone and all. They are really simple everyday stuffs like for example, fork and spoon, clock and a sewing kit. Just take these three items. Simple everyday items, but darn they are actually hard to find in the beginning.

I lost my fork and spoon in the first house I rented I think. It's during one of those parties they have where you bring your own cutleries and stuff and it somehow got stuck in someone's house. I don't know who. My fork and spoon went M.I.A. So I have been trying to find a good pair since I always forget to ask my mom for another pair whenever I get back home. Hey who ever thinks about these things when you're at home right? By the way I have yet to find a fork and spoon. Note the important point of the sentence before this. A fork and A spoon. It's hard to find cheap, decent looking pair of fork and spoon. It either comes very expensive single heavy pairs or cheap 10 billion forks and 10 billion spoons in a bag, which I don't need. I just one pair. Nothing more nothing less. So basically in the end, I am reusing plastic forks and spoons I get when I take away food from shops.

Next is my clock. Now the new clock cost me RM40 plus but the real amount I spend on it is around RM50. Why? Well it started off with the old clock not working one night. In fact, I remember it was the night before the first day at my new job. So to cover all bases, I set my phone alarm and also my NDS alarm. Then when I manage to get myself some batteries to replace the old ones (I thought it ran out of battery), it still doesn't work! I was like what the ... It's really frustrating at that time cause I bought the batteries at a very expensive price since I had no choice and it's not working. So I had to get a new clock instead. Then it suddenly came into my mind, where do I get a cheap decent clock? I know you're going to say a watch/clock shop but I seldom go buy a new clock all the time and it slipped my mind. I had to go around looking for it. There are even some watch shops that only sell watches, hence the name a watch shop. But finally I found one somewhere, not much choice, so I just picked one that seemed not so expensive.

Lastly sewing kits. Those things are hard to find. Seriously I don't even know under which category of the supermarket should I go to to find this. Since someone suggested I find it in Watsons, I will try to find it there next weekend. Oh and by the way, I lost my custom-compiled-by-mom set of sewing kit somewhere along the numerous times I shifted from one house to another. She is going to kill me. Lets just keep this to ourselves. *Ahem*

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