Thursday, October 2, 2008

Work : Age of Reckoning

Finally I have the chance to write down some stuff here again. It's been a while I have to admit. Roughly two months. Life have been hectic as well as exciting in a nerdy kinda way. Work, finally I manage to update my contract which really feels like a ton off my chest. The documents that I have to fill in was just unbearable. Three separate documents that I had to fill in that involves not only my personal information but what have I been doing for that particular year, how did I "think" I perform and much much more. Pity my supervisor though, she had to fill in her fair share as well.

Besides that, I have somehow got myself tangled up with the major leagues among my team. With the contract ending, my colleague, a great guy with vast knowledge in Linux and just that kinda person that is so persistent in making the programming world a much more exciting place, decided not to continue on with his contract and his major tasks sort of slide off into my lap. Part of me is saying oh crap and started to panic while another side of me is getting really pumped up ready to go. To be honest I am fine with the task, its just the matter of the documentation which I've already estimated to around 600 - 700 pages of it.

Life is going to suck in a way. But I guess, at some point I have to step up to a new step sooner or later anyways right? But at the mean time I am trying to enjoy my 5 day holiday as much as I can hopefully not having to focus on the task yet till much later when I DO actually finish reading the documentation.

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