Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Internet and I

I think I might be paranoid or something. Why? So I've been watching a lot of TV shows by streaming it through It* lately. Basically everyone knows It's slow and sucks. So what people usually do around here to watch something like this is to leave it streaming and watch later. That is what I usually do too.

But for some reason around now (3am), It's pretty much smooth sailing for my TV shows. Weird huh? As if It knows I have to go and sleep so It became very smooth for some reason. I think It's playing around with me. Hate it. Now I have to stay up because I am so addicted to TV shows. So I guess you can say I have the Oh-Just-One-More-Won't-Hurt Syndrome. Yeah one episode always leads to another for some reason.

Oh boy, I am going to need cups and cups of coffee tomorrow and break time nap. I guess I should get back to my TV shows. Another one more...

(*It with a capital "I" usually refers to the Internet)

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